Friday, September 28, 2012


These are the vocabulary words that we have learned for Data Analysis and Statistics.

  • Data Analysis- informal approach to statistics
  • Statistics- making sense of the data
  • Categorical Data- represents characteristics in groups
  • Numerical Data- data w/ numbers
  • Continuous Data- no breaks in between, overtime
  • Outlier- a value that is widely separated from the rest of the group
  • Cluster-data in groups
  • Gap- a break or opening in the data
  • Measures of Central Tendency: they describe where the data is centered
  • Mean- balance point
  • Median- the middle of the data
  • Mode- the number that occurs most
  • Measures of Variation: describes how the data is spread out
  • Range- the area of variation between the upper and lower limits
  • Variance- average of the mean
  • Standard Deviation- mean of the minus
  • Interquartile Range- the middle 50%
  • Trend Line- follows a trend in a graph
  • Normal Curve- a small bell-shaped curve that shows frequency values


  1. Awesome idea Delia! I wish I had put all of the vocabulary together in one of my posts. This makes it simple for anyone viewing you blog, to catch up on some forgotten vocab for our final. I also liked how you divided the words up so that they follow the order of our lessons. This makes it easy to view the words in the order the sections are in.

  2. Delia,

    I love that you posted the vocabulary from class! This is a post I will be using to study for the final. It's also inspired me to include a vocabulary list if I end up posting online for my classroom or business. My students should be able to study if they really want to, even if they lost their papers. Great post :)

    -Kate Makris

  3. This is very useful for our up coming final. Very short and simple definitions. :)
