Friday, September 28, 2012

And it starts here...

We have been learning about Data Analysis and Statistics, which in English means:
  • Computing Means 
  • Understanding the Mean as a Balance Point
  • Computing Medians
  • Finding Modes
  • Choosing the Most Appropriate Average
  • Measures of Spread
  • Box Plots
  • Outliers 
  • Comparing Sets of Data 
  • Variations: Mean Absolute Deviation, Variance, and Standard Deviation 
  • Mean Absolute Variation 
  • Normal Distributions 
  • Applications of the Normal Curve 
  • Percentiles
These have been really fun to work with. I like that we can pick any topic and collect data from it. For example, I can ask all of  my students how many siblings each student has. I would have each student write the number on a little piece of paper, then I'd walk around and collect the little piece of paper in a bowl. I would organize all of the numbers either on the board or ladybug camera so that the students could see what was going. Then from the data we collect, we can find the mean, median, and mode. At the end, we would graph this data on a histogram so that the students may analyze the data.


  1. Those are a lot of concepts for Data Analysis and Statistics!

  2. I enjoyed readin your blogs, they were very interesting. I liked how you retold your experiences from class.
